Harrison Zhao

中国欧洲经济技术合作协会(简称“中欧协会”) 于2000年经中华人民共和国民政部批准在北京正式成立,
China -Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation("CEATEC") was officially established in
Beijing in 2000 with the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, with the
competent authority from the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China(MOFCOM).
CEATEC Yangtze River Delta International Trade Promotion Committee is the official organization dedicated
to foreign trade, mutual investment and industrial cooperation around Yangtze river delta.
Harrison Zhao:
CEATEC上海办事处副主任、长三角委员会秘书长 , 组织《欧洲-中国长三角经贸论坛》系列活动,进口博览会配套活动,紧密对接长三角地区政府、产业园,多次组织中国政企与欧洲政府间高层互访、开展各类国际论坛、企业商务交流活动。
The Deputy Director of CEATEC Shanghai Office and Secretary-General of Yangtze River Delta International Trade Promotion Committee
organized a series of activities of the "Europe-China Yangtze River Delta Economic and Trade Forum"; supporting activities of the China International Import Export; and closely connected with governments and industrial parks of the Yangtze River Delta; and organized international visits between Chinese government and state-own company and European governments, including various international forums, and business cooperation activities.