Elizabbeth Siew

Elizabbeth Siew is the new voice for property technology and legal technology in the region. She is one of the few female Technopreneurs in Asia, and is active in the various tech scene in this region. She founded the first end-to-end Real Estate Legal Technology, LePro System Berhad. She is one of the founding members of Malaysia Proptech Association and currently the President of the Association.
She started as a real estate and conveyancing lawyer years ago and spoke actively internationally on the topic of property investment and property law. She has authored two best-selling books entitled ‘Smart Property Investors Know The Law’ and ‘Smart Property Investor Know the Law in CREATIVE INVESTMENT’.
Today, her passion and mission is to merge tech with real estate and legal - utilizing cloud computing, digital signature encryption, smart contract algorithm and blockchain to achieve seamless property transactions, property ownership and e-documents safe keeping across Asia.