Rohit Raul

ROHIT RAUL is a first-generation entrepreneur with business interests in Real Estate Development, FMCG and Coaching & Consulting.
After being in the Real Estate industry for many years he ventured into Coaching and Consultancy by chance while he was attending a training program and there, he felt he could do better than the speaker. Today he is mastered the art of building and enhancing the 'PERSONAL BRAND'. Amongst many entrepreneurs and corporates, he has coached various celebrities and prominent personalities. Two years back he had an opportunity to coach one of the richest family in DUBAI.
He is one of the sought-after speakers on numerous business, educational and social platforms. He categorically loves to interact with management students. He guides a lot of people to become powerful and effective speakers as he believes every ambitious person must develop public speaking skills. Besides profession he loves to meet new people and building long term relationships. Reading management & leadership books, attend seminars and conferences and watching Bollywood movies help him upgrade himself.
And when it comes to health and fitness, he is crazy for it. He is done rock climbing expeditions, 10 half marathons and currently involved in doing 55 crazy things as a part of 'MISSION FIFTY-FIVE 55'. He is recently started 'ROHIT RAUL FITNESS GROUP' to build an eco-system for people of INDIA to be
healthy & fit.
Today his primary focus is on BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CLUB, a platform for established entrepreneurs to go to next level. BOC's long-term mission is to help 100 entrepreneurs to achieve Rs.1000 cr. valuation which collectively translates into Rs.1 lac crore. This is his BHAG, what RICHARD BRANSON calls ' BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOAL'.
He is a complete family man with wife and two grown up children and together they call themselves 'THE INCREDIBLES'. His craziest dream is to get invited as a speaker at White House or UN. And his mission for life is to add value to each and every person he comes across.