Nick Li
Founder of Habitat Information

栖观资讯(Habitat Information )是一家为全球商业决策者提供市场咨询、战略沟通及新闻资讯一体化线上媒体服务平台,总部位于中国上海,并在塞浦路斯,香港设立办事处。企业咨询核心业务在中国深耕多年,并积累10万+医疗、科技、海内外金融机构资源,提供线上与线下超融合服务。
Habitat Information, headquartered in Shanghai, China, with offices in Cyprus and Hong Kong, is an online media service platform providing market consulting, strategic communication and news integration for business decision makers worldwide. The core business of enterprise consulting has been deeply cultivated in China for many years, and has accumulated more than 100,000 resources of medical, science and technology, and financial institutions at home and abroad, providing online and offline super-integrated services.