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IF Jun (王恩仰 IF君)
IF Jun is the founder and CEO of IF Club, Tencent Venture Capital Coach, Manager of the WeChat Video Account Official Association, EMBA Study Committee of Peking University Guanghua School of Management, entrepreneurship mentor in Shenzhen, and Distinguished Mentor of many Fortune 500 companies and universities. Focusing on IP creation and private domain monetization, assisting entrepreneurs and founders in systematically building digital marketing systems. To date, he has provided over 2000 hours of one-on-one coaching consultations for founders, conducted 500+ practical exercises in private board meetings, and taught tens of thousands of students; he has incubated a following of 60 million.
王恩仰(IF君) 易赋咨询创始人兼CEO,腾讯创投教练,微信视频号官方公会主理人,北京大学光华管理学院EMBA学习委员,深圳市创业导师,多家500强企业和高校特聘导师 专注IP打造和私域变现,陪伴企业家创始人系统搭建数字化营销体系;迄今,已有2000+小时创始人一对一教练咨询,500场+私董会实战演练,上万名学员;孵化粉丝矩阵6000万。